donald trump - Google News
Donald Trump Finally Released a Plan to Fight Global Warming - Mother Jones
Mother Jones | Donald Trump Finally Released a Plan to Fight Global Warming Mother Jones More recently, Trump has claimed that Tweet was some sort of joke, but regardless, he's repeatedly called global warming a "hoax." So it was astounding to read in Politico Monday morning that the real estate mogul is trying to persuade government ... Donald Trump denies climate change--but fears it could hurt his golf courseCBS News Donald Trump Wants To Build Another Wall But Never Talks About It. Here's Why.ThinkProgress Trump's golf course believes in climate change — Oil companies face green shareholdersPolitico Salon -Jezebel -Electrek all 19 news articles » |
Watch Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Court Hispanic Evangelicals - TIME
TIME | Watch Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Court Hispanic Evangelicals TIME Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump addressed a conference of Latino evangelical leaders via video message this past weekend to court their potential support. The Latin Leaders Fest is the annual national conference of the National Hispanic Christian ... Donald Trump tells Hispanics: 'You're going to be very happy with president Trump' in first filmed addressThe Independent all 59 news articles » |
Is Lindsey Graham Backing a 'Race-Baiting, Xenophobic Religious Bigot'? - The Atlantic
The Atlantic | Is Lindsey Graham Backing a 'Race-Baiting, Xenophobic Religious Bigot'? The Atlantic The Republican Party's slow rally around Donald Trump is no surprise. Parties almost always unify—at least to some degree—around their nominees. Movements like conservatism are built on ideologies, but political parties are above all built to win ... Lindsey Graham Cozies Up to Donald TrumpGQ Magazine Lindsey Graham Is Full of ItSlate Magazine (blog) Lindsey Graham Privately Urges People to Unite Behind Donald TrumpBreitbart News all 25 news articles » |
William Weld sticks to Donald Trump immigration policy comparison to Kristallnacht - CBS News
CBS News | William Weld sticks to Donald Trump immigration policy comparison to Kristallnacht CBS News Former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld is sticking to his comparison of Donald Trump's immigration plan to Kristallnacht, a major turning point in the Holocaust. In an interview on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday, Weld was asked if it was a little ... Libertarian VP hopeful stands by Holocaust reference to Trump planCNN Bill Weld Stands By His Comparison of Donald Trump's Immigration Plan to the HolocaustJezebel Meet Donald Trump's Stealth ChallengersFortune New York Times all 199 news articles » |
Elizabeth Warren Blasts Donald Trump In Commencement Speech - Huffington Post
Huffington Post | Elizabeth Warren Blasts Donald Trump In Commencement Speech Huffington Post Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) took aim at Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump in her commencement speech at Suffolk University in Boston this weekend, highlighting Trump's lamentable record with women. “How's this speech polling so far? and more » |
Donald Trump's 'shady' support for veterans - MSNBC
MSNBC | Donald Trump's 'shady' support for veterans MSNBC When Democrats make the case that Donald Trump has a controversial background when it comes to veterans' issues, it's not just wishful thinking. The presumptive Republican nominee, for example, has drawn criticism for supporting a privatization plan ... and more » |
HUFFPOLLSTER: Donald Trump Is Rising In The Polls This May. So Was John McCain In 2008. - Huffington Post
Huffington Post | HUFFPOLLSTER: Donald Trump Is Rising In The Polls This May. So Was John McCain In 2008. Huffington Post Donald Trump gets a bump in general elections polls, but there's reason to doubt that it will stick. Bill Clinton and Melania Trump might be the most unpopular spouses of presidential candidates in modern history. And Democrats and Republicans have ... Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Are in a Dead HeatFortune A Look At What's Behind Donald Trump's Climb in New National PollABC News Donald Trump's ground game problem: He truly might be screwed in the general electionSalon The Boston Globe -Vanity Fair -Fox News all 4,894 news articles » |
In lawsuit deposition, Trump repeatedly called out for exaggerating wealth - CBS News
CBS News | In lawsuit deposition, Trump repeatedly called out for exaggerating wealth CBS News In a weekend interview, Hillary Clinton said the only way to know whether Donald Trump is "really successful" is if he reveals his tax returns. Forbes magazine estimates Trump is worth $4.5 billion, but Trump's latest financial disclosure, filed last ... Here's How Much Donald Trump's Net Worth Jumped in the Past 10 MonthsFortune all 3 news articles » |
Donald Trump goes west -- and faces big hurdles - CNN
CNN | Donald Trump goes west -- and faces big hurdles CNN Los Angeles (CNN) Donald Trump heads west this week, campaigning and raising money in diverse, heavily Latino states like New Mexico and California -- and insisting that his favorability ratings among minority voters are on the upswing as he turns his ... In Swing State Suburbs, White Women Are Skeptical of Donald TrumpFortune Wait. Donald Trump is winning?The Week Magazine Your Donald Trump CBS News -New York Magazine -Wall Street Journal all 621 news articles » |
Obama Braces for Donald Trump Questions From World Leaders - New York Times
New York Times | Obama Braces for Donald Trump Questions From World Leaders New York Times But their private discussions are likely to cover a topic that is not on the agenda: Donald J. Trump. President Obama now hears questions in his meetings with world leaders about whether Mr. Trump has a realistic shot at becoming president. For months, Mr. and more » |
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