famous people news - Google News
In Silicon Valley, Gossip, Anger and Revenge - New York Times
New York Times | In Silicon Valley, Gossip, Anger and Revenge New York Times Outing famous people has a long and not particularly respectable history, but Valleywag said it was celebrating Mr. Thiel. The point, as Valleywag's then-editor ... Without this week's news, Valleywag's legacy would be uncertain. Several Silicon Valley ... and more » |
Every famous person you know is in this hilarious US Red Nose Day trailer - Radio Times
Radio Times | Every famous person you know is in this hilarious US Red Nose Day trailer Radio Times Introducing a gaggle of really famous people, from Julianne Moore to Zac Efron, who are "doing that thing where a bunch of celebrities are edited together so that each celebrity says one sentence or less of a heartfelt plea. Or says nothing and just ... and more » |
famous celebrities - BingNews
Celebrities Stun in their Treatment of Animals
At her young age, she's smart enough to know that celebrity does not equal quality. Even if the music is ... okay..., it matters what type of person you are. Where Bieber is concerned, his treatment of animals is deplorable. That's the kindest word I can use.
famous people in the world - BingNews
In Silicon Valley, Gossip, Anger and Revenge
Outing famous people has a long and not particularly respectable history ... and unleashing their work on the world.” This was gossip with an attitude, and an agenda. And what it unleashed was Mr. Thiel’s ire. He secretly financed a suit brought ...
famous people - BingNews
Ellen Feeds Hillary Clinton and the ‘Ghostbusters’ Cast to the Trolls
DeGeneres staged a game of “Would You Rather” where she’d choose between two famous people she’d—jokingly, of course!—choose as a running mate. Actor Tony Goldwyn from Scandal had a good showing, as did George Clooney. Sticking to those ...
celebrities - BingNews
Celebrities campaign to bring animals back from "brink of extinction"
Celebrities from across the world have joined the United Nations in a campaign to bring a range of endangered animals back from the "brink of extinction." The UN says a number of species, including elephants, rhinos, tigers and sea turtles, could soon ...
celebrities - Google News
Celebrities on their very first red carpets -- Try not to laugh! - AOL News
AOL News | Celebrities on their very first red carpets -- Try not to laugh! AOL News Celebrities get a ton of perks, like free designer garb and beauty experts on hand to keep them in tip-top, photo-ready shape. But before they reached blockbuster fame or multiple-platinum fortune, stars were nabbing their first gigs and walking their ... |
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