Monday, May 23, 2016

Celebrities React to Game of Thrones' 'Hold the Door' Moment - Read the Tweets! - Just Jared

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Celebrities React to Game of Thrones' 'Hold the Door' Moment - Read the Tweets! - Just Jared

Just Jared

Celebrities React to Game of Thrones' 'Hold the Door' Moment - Read the Tweets!
Just Jared
Bran, however, is still mentally in the past, hears the phrase and wargs into Willis. Willis can be seen convulsing and repeating “Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold the door!” Since the episode aired, celebrities have been tweeting about the chilling ...

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famous people news - Google News
Christine Bleakley is changing her name after wedding to Frank Lampard -

Christine Bleakley is changing her name after wedding to Frank Lampard
Frank Lampard has revealed that Christine Bleakley has taken his surname following their wedding. The television presenter, who married former England footballer Frank in December, will now go by the name of Christine Lampard. Speaking during an ...

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