Friday, April 22, 2016

Donald Trump Announces Visit To West Chester University - CBS Local

donald trump - Google News
Donald Trump Announces Visit To West Chester University - CBS Local

CBS Local

Donald Trump Announces Visit To West Chester University
CBS Local
WEST CHESTER (CBS) — Donald Trump will be making a campaign stop at West Chester University on Monday. Nancy Gainer is executive director of communications at the university and says they expect this will be a big event. “It's the presidential season ...

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Donald Trump uses terrible Indian accent during stereotype-filled rant about outsourcing - New York Daily News

New York Daily News

Donald Trump uses terrible Indian accent during stereotype-filled rant about outsourcing
New York Daily News
Donald Trump's despicable shtick took another offensive turn Friday as the deplorable Republican presidential front-runner used a fake Indian accent to make a point about outsourcing. Trump did his best mocking impression in broken English as he ...

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It's Not an Act. Donald Trump Is a Pig. - Slate Magazine

Slate Magazine

It's Not an Act. Donald Trump Is a Pig.
Slate Magazine
The grown-ups who've taken over Donald Trump's presidential campaign would like the Republican “establishment” to know that it's all been an act, and he's ready to pivot to something resembling a viable general-election candidate come Cleveland.
Mississippi Delegate Calls Donald Trump 'Incoherent,' Says RNC Spring Meeting Is 'Dry Run' for Open ConventionABC News
Donald Trump and GOP Grope Toward UnityWall Street Journal
Donald Trump Tones Down the Bombast on the Campaign TrailTIME
Washington Post -BBC News -Los Angeles Times
all 1,927 news articles »

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