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Donald Trump Poised for Smackdown in WWE Country Without Founders Support - Daily Beast
Daily Beast | Donald Trump Poised for Smackdown in WWE Country Without Founders Support Daily Beast Connecticut, where Trump leads the polls by 26 points, according to the Real Clear Politics average, is home to World Wrestling Entertainment, owned by Vince McMahon, the man whose head Trump gleefully sprayed with shaving cream and took a razor to ... and more » |
Donald Trump Agrees To Sit-Down Interview With Nemesis Megyn Kelly - Huffington Post
Huffington Post | Donald Trump Agrees To Sit-Down Interview With Nemesis Megyn Kelly Huffington Post Whether it's a permanent truce or a ratings-incentivized business move, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and Fox News host Megyn Kelly appear to have found common ground. After a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan earlier this ... Megyn Kelly lands Donald Trump interviewCNNMoney Megyn Kelly will interview Donald Trump on Fox TV specialFox News Donald Trump Agrees to an Interview With Megyn Kelly, Fox News SaysNew York Times (blog) Deadline -Entertainment Weekly -Gawker all 81 news articles » |
Poll: Hillary Clinton's "millennial problem" disappears against Donald Trump - Vox
Vox | Poll: Hillary Clinton's "millennial problem" disappears against Donald Trump Vox Young voters have overwhelmingly backed Bernie Sanders throughout the Democratic primary, leading to endless speculation that Hillary Clinton will face a big "millennial problem" come November. A new poll out today, however, suggests that Clinton would ... Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Likely to Sweep 'Acela Primary'TIME HUFFPOLLSTER: Donald Trump Drags GOP Down On Critical IssuesHuffington Post Poll: Millennials don't like TrumpPolitico USA TODAY -CNN -New York Times all 1,894 news articles » |
Tom Hanks Says Donald Trump Will Be President When 'Spaceships Come Down' - TIME
TIME | Tom Hanks Says Donald Trump Will Be President When 'Spaceships Come Down' TIME Tom Hanks says Donald Trump will be president “when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes.” Speaking to Sky News on the red carpet at the London premiere of his new movie, A Hologram for the King, Hanks also took issue with Trump's ... and more » |
Your Monday Evening Briefing: Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Johnny Manziel - New York Times
New York Times | Your Monday Evening Briefing: Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Johnny Manziel New York Times 2. President Obama, wrapping up a six-day trip to Europe, said he would send 250 more U.S. military personnel to Syria to help local forces fight the Islamic State. Addressing Europe's economic and migration problems, he appeared to refer to Mr. Trump ... |
Ted Cruz-John Kasich Alliance Against Donald Trump Quickly Weakens - New York Times
New York Times | Ted Cruz-John Kasich Alliance Against Donald Trump Quickly Weakens New York Times Mr. Cruz trumpeted what he called the “big news” in Indiana, a state that appears pivotal to stopping Mr. Trump from winning a majority of delegates. “John Kasich has decided to pull out of Indiana to give us a head-to-head contest with Donald Trump ... Map Shrinks for Donald Trump's FoesWall Street Journal Trump damns Cruz-Kasich pact as five more states head into primariesThe Guardian Is Marco Rubio the key to Donald Trump's demise?New York Post ABC News -CNN all 3,336 news articles » |
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Here's Why So Many Celebrities Are Dying in 2016 - NextShark
NextShark | Here's Why So Many Celebrities Are Dying in 2016 NextShark The Daily Telegraph, which keeps an updated gallery of famous people who have passed, lists the number of deaths up to this time in 2014 as 38. In 2015 at this time, the number of deaths listed in their gallery was 30. This year a whopping 75 ... |
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