Sunday, February 21, 2016

Trump: My Tweet Implying Obama Was a Muslim Was Done 'In Fun' - Mediaite

obama - Google News
Trump: My Tweet Implying Obama Was a Muslim Was Done 'In Fun' - Mediaite


Trump: My Tweet Implying Obama Was a Muslim Was Done 'In Fun'
Donald Trump yesterday tweeted out that President Obama maybe would have gone to Justice Antonin Scalia's funeral if it was at a mosque. Joe Scarborough confronted him on it on Morning Joe today. First, here's the tweet in question: I wonder if ...
Libs Are Losing It Over 1 Question Trump Just Asked About Obama Skipping Scalia's Funeral "I Wonder...'Western Journalism
Donald Trump Uses Scalia Funeral to Accuse President Obama of Being a MuslimPoliticusUSA
Trump: Obama MIA at Scalia Funeral, Not a 'Mosque'Newsmax
all 15 news articles »
Obama's Rudeness Hits New Heights with Scalia, Schumer - Fox News

Fox News

Obama's Rudeness Hits New Heights with Scalia, Schumer
Fox News
Donald Trump's policy of demeaning and snarking his political opponents has been a favorite habit of President Obama for the last eight years. Obama is perhaps the first president who believes that leading the country and playing to the beliefs of the ...

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