bill gates - Google News
Bill Gates Offers Muddled Support for FBI in Apple Decryption Case - Breitbart News
Breitbart News | Bill Gates Offers Muddled Support for FBI in Apple Decryption Case Breitbart News Microsoft founder Bill Gates, plus a slim majority of the public, are siding with the FBI's demand that Apple help unlock the San Bernardino jihadi's encrypted iPhone. “This is a specific case where the government is asking for access to information ... Bill Gates Weighs In on Apple's Clash With the FBINew York Times Bill Gates agrees with FBI on encryption, argues it's just one phone—but law enforcement disagreesDaily Kos Bill Gates denies iPhone crack demand would set precedentThe Register Bloomberg -ABC News all 2,769 news articles » |
Watch: A brief history of Bill Gates being funny in videos - Quartz
Quartz | Watch: A brief history of Bill Gates being funny in videos Quartz Bill and Melinda Gates went on NBC's The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Feb. 24 to promote their annual letter about global concerns. Because they want a lot of people to read it, they did what any smart, technologically savvy couple would do and ... and more » |
The one thing Bill Gates thinks has improved lives the most in the last 300 years - Tech Insider (blog)
Tech Insider (blog) | The one thing Bill Gates thinks has improved lives the most in the last 300 years Tech Insider (blog) Ask yourself what advancement has improved our lives more than anything over the last 300 years, and a few options may come to mind. There's the Internet, modern medicine, and Netflix, to name a few. In an interview with Tech Insider on Monday, Bill ... and more » |
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