Monday, February 1, 2016

Sarah Palin Denies Blaming Obama for Son's PTSD in Heated Today Interview: 'What Did I Say That Was Offensive?' - People Magazine

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Sarah Palin Denies Blaming Obama for Son's PTSD in Heated Today Interview: 'What Did I Say That Was Offensive?' - People Magazine

People Magazine

Sarah Palin Denies Blaming Obama for Son's PTSD in Heated Today Interview: 'What Did I Say That Was Offensive?'
People Magazine
Sarah Palin says she never blamed President Obama for her son's post traumatic stress disorder. Palin appeared on the Today show on Monday in her first live interview since endorsing Donald Trump. But the 51-year-old seemed caught off guard – and ...
Sarah Palin Freaks Out When Asked About Blaming Obama For Vets' PTSDHuffington Post
NBC Nails Palin for Blaming Her Son's PTSD On Obama [VIDEO]Daily Caller
Sarah Palin denies blaming President Obama for son's PTSD strugglesYahoo Politics -TPM
all 160 news articles »

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