Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A New Book Retrospectively Diagnoses Famous People With Mental Disorders - New York Magazine

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A New Book Retrospectively Diagnoses Famous People With Mental Disorders - New York Magazine

New York Magazine

A New Book Retrospectively Diagnoses Famous People With Mental Disorders
New York Magazine
In it, Kalb explores the mental states of some of history's most memorable figures, by researching old journals and interviewing mental-health experts about symptoms to retrospectively diagnose people ranging from the book's titular artist to Charles ...

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5 famous people Pope Francis has met (that we know of) - The Northwest Florida Daily News

5 famous people Pope Francis has met (that we know of)
The Northwest Florida Daily News
Francis gave DiCaprio a gift, too — a leather-bound version of the encyclical on the world environment, People reported. Since taking over as pope in March 2013, Francis has met more than his fair share of celebrities and famous people from America.

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