Wednesday, February 3, 2016

5 famous people Pope Francis has met (that we know of) - Monroe Evening News

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5 famous people Pope Francis has met (that we know of) - Monroe Evening News

5 famous people Pope Francis has met (that we know of)
Monroe Evening News
Francis gave DiCaprio a gift, too — a leather-bound version of the encyclical on the world environment, People reported. Since taking over as pope in March 2013, Francis has met more than his fair share of celebrities and famous people from America.

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10 famous people who could face citizenship issues as candidates - Constitution Daily (blog)

Constitution Daily (blog)

10 famous people who could face citizenship issues as candidates
Constitution Daily (blog)
Ted Cruz has faced some criticism in his White House bid about his birth in Canada. But would some other famous people face the same scrutiny as Cruz, if they ran for President? natural320 One debate over Cruz's eligibility centers on a clause in the ...

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