Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Transcript: How Steve Jobs, Bill Gates used a disruptive technology to build different companies - The Globe and Mail (subscription)

bill gates - Google News
Transcript: How Steve Jobs, Bill Gates used a disruptive technology to build different companies - The Globe and Mail (subscription)

The Globe and Mail (subscription)

Transcript: How Steve Jobs, Bill Gates used a disruptive technology to build different companies
The Globe and Mail (subscription)
To Bill Gates, it meant that microcomputers and computers would be everywhere so why build hardware that is going to become cheap or even free. hardware doubling in power every two years, I am going to make a software company. He created the first ...

Bill Gates Launches Campaign to Donate Chickens to Poor Families in Africa - Good News Network

Good News Network

Bill Gates Launches Campaign to Donate Chickens to Poor Families in Africa
Good News Network
Bill Gates did something pretty cool to improve the lives of 100,000 families living on $2 a day. “It's pretty clear to me that just about anyone who's living in extreme poverty is better off if they have chickens,” the Microsoft founder wrote in a ...
Bill Gates: Chickens, not computers, can solve povertyThe New Times

all 2 news articles »

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