Friday, June 3, 2016

Michelle Obama Denounces Donald Trump in Commencement Speech at CUNY - New York Times

donald trump - Google News
Michelle Obama Denounces Donald Trump in Commencement Speech at CUNY - New York Times

New York Times

Michelle Obama Denounces Donald Trump in Commencement Speech at CUNY
New York Times
Mrs. Obama did not specifically mention Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president. But her intent could not have been clearer as she warned that “leaders who rule by intimidation — leaders who demonize and dehumanize entire ...
Michelle Obama takes shot at Trump: 'We don't build up walls'CNN
Michelle Obama slips dig at Donald Trump into her final commencement addressCBS News

all 97 news articles »
Trump defends criticism of judge with Mexican heritage - CNN International

CNN International

Trump defends criticism of judge with Mexican heritage
CNN International
"He's proud of his his heritage. I respect him for that," Trump said, dismissing charges that his allegation was racist. "He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico." RELATED: Clinton: Trump deserves some blame for violence outside ...
Donald Trump doubles down: American judge can't judge me because “he's a Mexican"Vox
Why Is Donald Trump So Angry at Judge Gonzalo Curiel?The Atlantic
The Unthinkable Consequences Of Donald Trump's Racist Attack On A JudgeThinkProgress
MSNBC -The New Yorker -New York Times
all 1,278 news articles »
Hillary Clinton's New Attack on Donald Trump Cheers Her Allies and Worries His - New York Times

New York Times

Hillary Clinton's New Attack on Donald Trump Cheers Her Allies and Worries His
New York Times
Hillary Clinton's blistering new assault on Donald J. Trump has mollified many Democrats alarmed about the closer-than-expected presidential race — while inflaming Republican fears that Mr. Trump's improvisational style and skeletal campaign will ...
Jake Tapper asked Donald Trump if his judge attack was racist — then followed up 23 timesWashington Post
How Hillary Clinton Beat Donald Trump With SubstanceTIME
THIS is Hillary Clinton's biggest advantage over Donald TrumpCNBC
Business Insider
all 4,038 news articles »
Trump on black supporter: 'Look at my African-American over here' - CNN


Trump on black supporter: 'Look at my African-American over here'
The remark didn't generate a noticeable response from Trump's audience. Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks told CNN Trump was "just referring to a supporter in the crowd. There's no ill will intended, obviously." She added Trump was "grateful for ...
Politics|'Look at My African-American Over Here,' Donald Trump Says at RallyNew York Times
Reporter's Notebook: When an Anti-Donald Trump Protest Becomes a MobABC News
Donald Trump rallies are only going to get more dangerous for everyoneVox
San Jose Mercury News -Gawker
all 511 news articles »
Matt Damon Criticizes Donald Trump in MIT Commencement Speech - TIME


Matt Damon Criticizes Donald Trump in MIT Commencement Speech
Matt Damon revisited his old Good Will Hunting stomping grounds on Friday, giving the commencement address to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and criticizing the rise of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. Damon praised the work ...

and more »
Elizabeth Warren Slams Donald Trump's "Huge Conflicts of Interest" - Mother Jones

Mother Jones

Elizabeth Warren Slams Donald Trump's "Huge Conflicts of Interest"
Mother Jones
Earlier this week, Mother Jones reported that Donald Trump's loans from the German-based Deutsche Bank—totaling at least $100 million and possibly much more—would pose a significant conflict of interest, should Trump, the GOP's presumptive nominee, ...

and more »
Donald Trump tweeted out 9 graphs proving that Obama failed. We fact-checked them. - Washington Post

Washington Post

Donald Trump tweeted out 9 graphs proving that Obama failed. We fact-checked them.
Washington Post
We have generally learned that there's not much utility in fact-checking every tweet that springs to life from the imagination of Donald Trump or which receives his blessing via retweet. Tweets containing factual errors are not as plentiful as those ...

and more »
Why Donald Trump, Not Paul Ryan, Is Setting the GOP Agenda - New York Times

New York Times

Why Donald Trump, Not Paul Ryan, Is Setting the GOP Agenda
New York Times
That agenda was originally supposed to counter Donald J. Trump, whose views often stand apart from the party's policy traditions. But now that Mr. Ryan has officially endorsed his party's presumptive nominee, he says that his policy ideas will ...
Mexicans, Muslims, Cubans, Blacks: Donald Trump Is a Serial Exploiter of PrejudiceSlate Magazine
Paul Ryan Stood Up To Donald Trump, Right Up To The Moment He CavedHuffington Post
Paul Ryan's endorsement doesn't apply to everything Donald Trump saysAOL News
all 807 news articles »
Surgeon Simulator: Inside Donald Trump, explained to my future children - The Verge

The Verge

Surgeon Simulator: Inside Donald Trump, explained to my future children
The Verge
But unlike your average throwaway Flash parody, the strange creature known as Surgeon Simulator: Inside Donald Trump — released yesterday as an add-on to the well-regarded and similarly odd game Surgeon Simulator — will at least be fairly interesting ...
Donald Trump gets heart surgery in computer gameBBC News
You Can Now Give Donald Trump a Working HeartDaily Beast
Look for Donald Trump's heart in 'Surgeon Simulator'Engadget

all 52 news articles »
Donald Trump Could Threaten US Rule of Law, Scholars Say - New York Times

New York Times

Donald Trump Could Threaten US Rule of Law, Scholars Say
New York Times
Donald J. Trump's attacks on the press and the judicial system are evidence to some people of his bracing candor. But his comments also sketch out a worldview that many legal experts say is contemptuous of the First Amendment, the separation of powers ...
Donald Trump's epic meltdownChicago Tribune
How Donald Trump could winCNN
How Paul Ryan thinks about Donald TrumpWashington Post
The Boston Globe
all 2,360 news articles »

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