Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Leap year babies: Famous people born on Feb. 29 (celebrity birthdays, photos) - Syracuse.com

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Leap year babies: Famous people born on Feb. 29 (celebrity birthdays, photos) - Syracuse.com

Leap year babies: Famous people born on Feb. 29 (celebrity birthdays, photos)
Are you a leap year baby? If you were born on Feb. 29, then you're known as a "leapling" and burdened with a calendar that only recognizes your birthday once every four years. But don't worry, you're not alone. An estimated 187,000 Americans were born

Are you a leap year baby? If you were born on Feb. 29, then you're known as a "leapling" and burdened with a calendar that only recognizes your birthday once every four years.
But don't worry, you're not alone. An estimated 187,000 Americans were born on Leap Day, also known as Feb. 29, and another 4 million worldwide share the birthday.
Famous leap year babies include actors like Dennis Farina, sports figures like Al Rosen, musicians like Ja Rule and celebrities like Tony Robbins.
Leap Year: Everything you need to know People of Syracuse share their thoughts on Leap year and Glenn Coin sets the record straight as to what's true and what's not.

What are leap years, anyway?
It takes slightly more than 365 days for the Earth to orbit the sun -- 365.24219 days, in fact -- so an extra day was added to the month of February once every four years by Julius Caesar in 46 BCE. (Those years are "leap years.") The adjustment prevents seasons from shifting over time, or else we'd see Christmas in July or summer weather in December.
However, the Julian calendar was later replaced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, because an Earth year isn't exactly 365 1/4 days long -- it's off by 11 minutes. The Gregorian calendar fixes that with the century rule, where leap years at the turn of a century (a year ending in double zeroes) only add a leap day if it's divisible by 400. (According to Quartz, 1900 wasn't a leap year, but 2000 was.)
Leap Day birthdays
So people born on Feb. 29 typically may get older every year but only "celebrate" their birthday on the actual day once every four years (or eight years in 2100, 2200 and 2300). Actor Jessie Usher, who plays the stepson of Will Smith's character in the upcoming movie "Indepedence Day: Resurgence," was born in 1992 but Feb. 29, 2016, will merely be his sixth birthday.
It gets confusing for questions like "when do I get my driver's license?" and "when can I buy alcohol?" -- most states recognize March 1 as the birthday in those situations -- but many leap year babies have fun with it.
"Usually on my non-leap year birthdays I just do a casual dinner," one adult leapling in Texas told NPR. "But this year, since I'll be turning 6, I'm having a '90s-themed party at a roller rink. You have to go big because you only get a birthday every four years."
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You're how old? Famous people who celebrate a birthday on Leap Day
Monday was a big day for some people, who finally got the chance to celebrate their birthday for the first time in four years. For example: On Monday, rapper and actor Ja Rule will celebrate his 40th birthday. However, technically Rule will only turn 10.
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Happy birthday to these celebrities born on Leap Day
Here are a few famous people celebrating their birthdays today. Actress Michele Morgan is 96. Actor Joss Ackland is 88. Former astronaut Jack Lousma is 80. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople is 76. Motivational speaker Tony Robbins is 56.

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